your pal Kaive

Damn Accountants

September 22, 2011 in Website

They took our top ranking on google for our own company name ;_;

It’s funny cause google will go to the misspelling with a “search instead for fupoco” at the top. It’s no worry, really truly. But when we get this show on the road, I don’t want to see certain accountants who like dancing metaphors complaining if their name brings up furry porn. I doubt it ever will, we do have different names, but just saying. It’d be hilarious.

Common Grounds:

Two characters’ sex scenes remain! A lot of work has already been put into them, but I don’t count them finished until it’s playable in-game. Working on new animated teasers.


I uploaded an updated page for Common Grounds. It’s a placeholder. It has a transparent version of an image that took me a good portion of today to make.

Also, I have decided to change the “Bonus” section into “Journal”. While I still love the idea of writing funny reviews and showcasing furry games, it’s simply too much work on top of making these games.

What I’ll likely do is figure out how to make custom pages within this journal for that kind of stuff.

As always, let me know what you think!

(Need to fix the css on this page, yikes…)