your pal Kaive

Hot Cutscenes

April 28, 2014 in Games, House of Tail

Work on House of Tail continues…

house of tail scene mockup test
Early story scene example
(looks like Sebastion’s penis is doing the talking…)

We have the story fleshed out and are still slaving away putting it all in. Thought I’d take a break to show you some examples!

Above you can see cutscenes will be able to fit many characters, and they’re all skippable– (a lack of which always drives us nuts when playing games, we hope you appreciate this effort.) Ideally we’ll be able to work in some kind of backdrop behind the characters so you won’t see the game maps during them.

house of tail choice mockup test
There will be choices

Something we wanted to improve upon from our last game was to include more cutscene choices. It’s tricky because we like to design our games where you make important choices in the core gameplay, but we can’t deny text choices are a lot of fun.

While they might offer slight branches in plots, (this isn’t a visual novel guys,) they’ll mostly be for amusement, how you want to define your relationship with characters, and getting easy stat boosts game-wise. Like, choosing between a response that boosts your charm verse teasing someone to boost your sex stat.

And thanks for hanging in with us, this is happening! We’re doing it!!