your pal Kaive

HoT Menu Previews

March 13, 2014 in Games, House of Tail, Other Games

House of Tail story chapter screenshot

The title menu has been in need of an overhaul for a while. We’re not quite finished, but you can see that the characters have been moved to the corners and will move in circles instead of up and down, (hiding the cut-offs.)

And the chapter screens will have a lot more info, like star icons noting what you were able to do, to give the game some replayability, (and maybe requirements for a best ending~)

House of Tail victory screenshot

When you complete a goal, you’ll receive a message and possible rewards to choose from. The game should feel a lot more fleshed out next update~

And special thanks to everyone helping flesh out the list of furry porn (or just sexualized/mature) games over on the forums (topic/furry-porn-game-master-list/).

It’s getting to be a decent size, and we hope to do some fun things with it ^^