Forum Replies Created
January 4, 2014 at 6:26 pm #2275
My bad, I forgot the link on superheavy elements:
“Synthesis of the isotopes of elements 118 and 116 in the Cf249 and Cm245+Ca48 fusion reactions”
So much for sci-fi claiming it would take us about 500 million years to do that XD
January 4, 2014 at 7:11 am #2274Wall of text incoming lol, also, if there are spammy ads on any of these sites, I do not have problems with them as I am using adblock on both Firefox and Iceweasel
From what I’m able to understand of the RAM thing is it looks like it works in a similar fashion that Virtual Machines do, using unallocated hard drive memory to emulate the function of RAM(whihc, given how RAM works and how similar current solid state drives and RAM are, isn’t completely out of the question)but one of the main problems seems to be(and this is a bit of a problem for windows users)once you allocate the memory to this software, there’s no apparent way to unallocate it other then going through a comprehensive reformatting with DBAN(for all you software nuking needs lol: http://www.dban.org/ ), so unless you are really good at making disposable paritions in Windows, then it’s likely going to be a good while before it even picks up notice(there is barely even any notice of it on its hosting site; Sourceforge. But Sourceforge also has things like XIOC and the like so…) Right now its more just a computing curosity then anything useful, give 10-12 years and it might be some good-of course we all might be using Quantum Computers or “High Energy State Magnetically Guided Communications Systems”(I heard they’re trying to make the new Internet, the Cybersphere they were calling it, using that, but it requires systems that need massive amounts of energy, and micro cold fusion(btw, cold fusion has been around since 2003, and able to heat up a cup of coffee since 2008, so its going, slowly, but still going)so it might be redundant anyways.
And I had viewed the Jurassic Heart on Markilpiler on Youtube, it looks interesting(there aren’t that many furry dating sims out there, but there are, more common is this though-some sort of pesudo furry-on-human relationship simulations) and I’m not really into the whole borny thing (as I told my friend “It’s not my cup of tea so to speak, but as I haven’t really been in the community I don’t feel I have a valid opnion either way on the whole “brony” debatings on the net”) so I haven’t really looked much into that.
As for my found gmaes, there is the LOK games(anyone from e621 should be familar with this):
Furcadia(I’m really more a fan of text-based MUDS though):
alt link for those that don’t want an FA account(its become the new Deviantart, sadly):
http://www.fenoxo.com/downloads-and-other-games/ (includes links to other ones as well, I’m not to sure about forum rules on direct linking, so ima just use this. Also, COC)
For any Meincraft players out there, in case you didn’t know, it has had furries for awhile now:
(little tip here, if you want to mess around with the multiple tails option, you’re better off learning how to use GIMP or Paint.net, I’m not really an artist myself(the few games I’ve tried my hand at(and abandoned halfway in lol) were text based or 16 bit colours, with a few custom meshes done in Blender when I used to play Oblivion and Fallout 3(whihc reminds me, anyone know if they got it working with NifSkope again?)as getting one extra tail was as bad as my current debacle with making my Steam password so long and strong that it kinda breaks the software(thye don’t allow more then 30 character length, but say nothing about it or do nothing to prevent it. Shame on you for making shoddy software Valve lol)and making all nine? it took a good 9 months when the first version came out, and I’ve only just managed to port it over to the new version on a locale server, so yeah, you need some sort of coding wizard or something, and a team of artists if you don’t want to spend 3/4ths of a year working this out lol. But hey! Furries in Meincraft!)
There’s also all the mods for Mugen I’ve managed to track down(and as some are no longer on the normal net, I will be uploading them to my Mediafire soon, some of the sites are down foreverz :/)
Some good ole table-top furry games:
hard to find irl, but there are a couple places to download it at.
Wikifur’s page:
Also, something to make Morrowind still relavent:
If you want yiif content with this mod, looke for the Lovers & Legends mod for Morrowind, it is sometimes compatible, but not always, so Caveat emptor, do so at your own risk.
My Very Own Lith:
Furry videogame database on teh internet archives, good luck finding them:
Furries, and SCIENCE!:
The site where they still sell Inherit The Earth:
Or you could just grab it and SCUMMVM from emuparadise, I believe both are in the abandonedware section, so I’m okay with it. No links to it though lol.
Oh, and why being a furry and anthropormorphism are something that is actually veyr common in the history of the human race(whihc indicates our current cultures xenophobia is more so due the way our culture is, rather then how humanity is, so people that try to start some furrying trolling? Just bear in mind that furries have been around before the Internet(or even indrustraliation) was inventered, so just ignore them, they know not what they talk about lol.
This place, home of spaceescape(still debating on wither or not that is an furry game):
slavemaker(not an actual furry game, but has furry content):
Now this one is certaintly outsid eof most people’s price range currently, but soviet genetically engineered pet foxes! Hopefully the US will do the same soon:
Now before I go into the sciencey section which may or may not shatter your view of reality and/or leave you a broken, sad shell of your former self, I am going to give a little insight into some of my ways of thinking, mostly just to distract from what is coming up, but still:
Now goto the science. Foreward, cognitohazard and all that, I am not responsible for any instancies of insanity lol. If you’re here just for the furry, stop now, just science here lol.
To just jump right into the impossible being done, getting energy from nothing – aka “Quantum Vacuum Engineering” or “Fun with Zero Point Energy”:
And while we’re here, a vacuum does not actually exist in reality:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_vacuumCold science, and making things below absolute zero while…well, kinda-sorta not breaking the universe but still breaking it:
http://www.mpg.de/6776082/negative_absolute_temperatureStrange materials and fabracting unnautral(as in it does not exist any where in the known universe due to, you know, “reality”):
http://unitednuclear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=70_71&products_id=526 <—— aka making things levitate-no longer just for wizards XD
http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20327246.000-13-more-things-dark-flow.html#.Uf8HS8XyOYM <—-not really sure where to put this, idk what it even is, no one does.
http://boulderlabs.com/site/liveatom_about.phpSome Fusion stuff, forget where the link for cold micro fusion is, Discovery had an article on it while back:
http://sonoluminescence.com/Why the robots have already won, all hail our hard, cold, metal overlords :p :
http://www.idsc.ethz.ch/Research_DAndrea/DFA <—-screw ufos, we have DFAs lol
http://www.fishandchips.uwa.edu.au/project.html <—-technically not an AI as it uses a rat brain as a processor. So basically a rat version of GLaDOS
http://www.i-programmer.info/news/169-robotics/5327-kilobots-work-together.html <—kilobots aka “the almighty swarm”Why we still have nothing to fear from machines, turns out they kann be as stupid as us:
http://www.cleverbot.com/Some laughable “problems” facing current tech:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem <—-use unsigned intergers or 128 bit processors
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September <——not so much laughable as it is the ruination of technology…
http://theweek.com/article/index/249893/why-south-korea-is-building-an-invisible-skyscraper <—-Invisible. Skyscraper. I think you kann see the inherent problems with that. And its not even Japan!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Euclidean_geometry <—not a problem for machines, but rather for people, and people make the machines, so…Speaking of machineries, coding and such:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_point <—I know its realloy basic but its still a thing a lot of programmers seem to have probloems with
http://cmpe150-1.cmpe.boun.edu.tr/onlineCompiler/parts/ <—-online complier, pretty nifty. Geany’s better tho.
http://eyetap.org/ <—-basically hipster google glass, been here for 35 years.
http://www.truecrypt.org/docs/supported-operating-systems <—exact same stuff the NSA uses, but open sourced and betterer lol.
http://www.acornuser.com/acornuser/index/ind1.html <—all Android systems use this. Basically the keys to Google’s mobile empire.
http://www.superliminal.com/cube/cube.htm <—MULTI-Dimensoal cubes, need I say more?
https://drupal.org/ <—what I am currently dicking around with to make servers and a funcitional workspace.
http://www.i2p2.de/ <–its i2p, the lesser known brother of TOR
http://lmgtfy.com/ <–Googling for newbs
http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/ <—Make your own OS today! I know I already am.
http://www.unix.org/non-furry games:
http://ichun.us/ <—-P0rtals in meincraft
http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/ <—–well known text based gameWant to live forever or be a furry irl? Try genetics:
http://news.ufl.edu/2005/12/12/kissing-cousins-oped/ <—science form florida showing that, hey, not only has history proven that incest happens often, but unless its for several generations, from a science viewpoint, there’s nothing wrong with it(morals and cultural mores and such…yeah, no.)Quanta Mechanicals:
http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/glossary/quantum_tunneling.html <—-aka, your computron works by breaking the universe. Congrats lol.Speaking of breaking…:
Also, the Quantum Zeno effect(I think the spelling’s right) means that, theoritically speaking, you kann make something that will otulast the universe. Have fun with that.
That’s all for now, I think this might just be a literal wall of text lol.
And one last note, if you think knowing how to do all this and knowing what the heck is going on here- its not. Try talking to your average person about how tempertures below absolute zero violates the universe in every delicious way and chances are they will think you are crazy. From my own viewpoint in the field of genetics(3 years out of a docterates, ima going for genetics speifically, but needz to get a biology degree to do so)I guess that if things go on as they are now we will have the tech capable of making furries irl in about 12-18 years(I mean, the techs already there but it is way too dangerous what with unchecked mutations, shoddy genetic engineering, and the fact that the Soviets have done the most research into this when that guy mentioned above did his thing with foxes, so I would rather not end up some mindless, gibbering, horrific mess in the name of science-that’s what we have 1st year med students for lol j/k)so the next couple of decades in science will surely be something to behold. So long as we don’t break the whole damned universe/multiverse that is(not going to put up the link, but there were discoveries last year of the first concrete evidence of parallel universes, and that there is a currently estimated 0.004% variation in the laws of physics in the universe, and while that doesn’t sound like much, take into account that even such a little variation could prevent carbon from forming, and carbon is needed for anyhting more complex then a few stars.
If anyone is able to respond to the entirety of this, I will be amazed, and wondering why you didn’t go do something better lol.
Now to see if this server will take it….sorry in advance admins lol 😛
August 13, 2013 at 10:58 pm #2178Yeah, there seems to be no problem with the doenloaded one so far, which is good lol. As for Ubuntu, I’ve been getting so many issues just with the system kernel itself that I’m going off to #! shouldn’t be any difference(both use largely debian) might be though, what with using a new(ish) kernel.
August 1, 2013 at 4:20 pm #2160Personally, I’d love the idea of some character customization for the pc and maybe even some on npcs myself(even if limited, it’d still be interesting to see) but yeah, most of what’s listed, taken with what was in the previous game for game mechanics sounds neat, the voice acting should be interesting(and funny when clechies are taken into account, these days, a game seems off if lacking that element XD) but yeah, sounds good to me.
August 1, 2013 at 4:14 pm #2159lol yeah IE is one of the worst browsers I’ve seen(have seen some custom coded ones that were somehow worse tho)but the only issues I’ve had are just slow loading of the game with multiple processes running(and this is less of an issue n my 2.67 GHz processer on this laptop) which is to be expected, even left it running for 2 days(was also using this laptop for classes) and it ran fine, maybe its something to do with Windows? Or Ubuntu just lacks whatever causes the issue, will test it out on Fedora, Slackware, and maybe Crashbang, see what happens.
August 1, 2013 at 4:08 pm #2158@Kaive lol yeah, it would need t reuse a lot f the textures and meshes(custom making everything just simply isn’t possible, unless you’d want to spend 20+ years working on it, already spent 5 on a different project which is only starting to work due to advances in Cleverscript(think voice responsive AI pathing) but it might not even make it to Alpha at this rate lol) and @Vashar I’m already on Loverslab(my user is thedarkwanderer42 haven’t logged in for 2 months tho) and yeah, had to go into Blender and Nifskope to get some working, r messed around with script extenders(if I still have some old scripts around on a flash drive, they might come in handy over there, modified Blender to work more with Skyrim when there was severe issues with that, plus I have resource files that I didn’t find on there again the last time I was there) there was a few furry mods I saw over at the nexus(including ne for Skyrim which added a custom playable anthro-canine race) but for furry mods on Morrowind, here’s one of my more favored sites http://www.sabregirl.com/mods/ often play as a Keynari or a Wolven myself.
August 1, 2013 at 3:59 pm #2157Bit of a late reply(had end of seimester tests, basic physics, they are complicated) but yeah, if the problem was the charm % text, then I am curious as to why the problem never occured to me Ubuntu, if the issue wasn’t resolved I’d say try it ut on a Mac and see what comes up, but whatever it was seems to be fixed for those who were having the issue.
July 21, 2013 at 5:32 pm #2133Wasable to find an Android emulator if anyone else wants to tinker with it, haven’t tested it out yet though. http://theisozone.com/downloads/pc/other/android-emulator/
July 21, 2013 at 5:31 pm #2132I don’t know then, maybe its just Windows 😛 I’ve never had the problem myself, even on Firefox.
July 21, 2013 at 5:29 pm #2131If anything, it would probably be more akin to an exploration game with heavy reliance on rpg elements, as for removing combat, that might work if it were made in more of a puzzle/exploring game(kind of along the lines of myst I guess) which would allow more time for developing the plot, but it would be in a different overall design(might be something to try out though).
July 20, 2013 at 3:02 pm #2128Well the sheer amount of system memory avaiable isn’t the issue, its the memory getting allocated that’s becoming fragmented is the issue (this link explains a bit more in depth: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Memory_Leak ) which is why sites with more graphics load slower, to the point of crashing(such as FA or e621) when in reality it has nothing to do with the site at all these links for firefox might be helpful ( https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-uses-too-much-memory-ram and https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/memory-fox/?src=search (not avaiable on Linux, but I do use it for firefox through Wine) as for chrome, well, they fixed some of it but you are still a bit fucked ( https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=113983 , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome ) there should probably be ways for the server end to help with these issues(such as using more text and less images, but this doesn’t work for all sites) but yeah, as far as I kann tell, its mostly a browser issue, haven’t had any issues on Midori, but that might be because there’s not much to the browser 😛
July 19, 2013 at 5:08 pm #2126Well like I said(I believe in another thread) about the online issues, its something that’s an issue with most browsers, for Firefox(and Chrome) its due to them using up a lot of system memory(my atm is using 420MB probably going to have to relaunch it soon) and once it reachs a certain amount(~720MB-1200MB depending on your system, OS, firefox setup, etc) the browser experiences severe lag and even crashes, the simplest solution is to play online games in a light weight browser(like Midori on Ubuntu) open in a seperate browser, or launch a new instance of said browser under a new process, and this issue won’t be resolved unless there are major overhauls to the browsers themselves(and Java, the code is quickly reaching its limits) then all you could do is try to make it use less browser resources(which would likely involve removing several features) or have the end user, at the very least, close some of those extra tabs/windows they have open(as an exception to this, however, in custom builds of firefox or exceptionally good computers(think $23000ish custom built ones) there is no issue with online at all, even when having as many as 1300 tabs open(only seen this once tho)) but yeah, its a major issue with the browsers, I’ll go link hunting and see if I kann find something new about it, other then that, not much kann be done other then not opening a lot of tans/windows, and regularly restarting your browser :I.
July 19, 2013 at 4:56 pm #2125How about Bitcoins? I’m not sure of their ToS(not using them atm) but that could be an alternative to paypal.
July 19, 2013 at 4:54 pm #2124True, but if it were done in a similar manner to Morrowind(more areas, but less speific areas whitin cells ie “empty worldspaces” while still having interesting background textures, and small areas to explore such as caves, ruins, etc.) would enable much more game content, while still being able to focus on character interaction(of all sorts lol) really the real issue would be more how to do something like this on more modern engines, while still retaining good graphics(thinking it might be easier to have a 16 bit overlay for graphics, while having particular interactions/scripted events in more modern graphics, maybe bringing up a menu seperate from in-game graphics while in character interactions and scripted events?) and being an rpg, it would of course have to have a fulfilling plot(taking creative writing classes next seimester, so its a start lol) least to say though, something like this would have to be years in the making(and funding is another question, would it be crowd funded(like kickstarter) or would it just be open sourced(like a side project, free, but take much longer to complete) as well as how large of a project(given it would just be one game, and my first one with graphics at that, these wouldn’t be any real issues, more so something to think about for long term) but yeah I also like the top down third person view of Diablo games(and Diablo clones) but as a true rpg(and a furry one at that) I would prefer to not have it focused on combat, I suppose on a similar manner to resident evil for the combat intregration(where combat is an intregrated part, but not the most focused upon, and kann even be avoided altogether) so yeah, brainstorming I guess? XD