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  • #1634

    Nice to meet y’all. I just finished getting all the endings in Common Grounds and I’m looking forward to more. A sequel would be great (I still want to meet Surfer Fox :p) and House of Tail looks good too. :3



    Once we release House of Tail, we should begin to lay the groundwork for Common Grounds 2, I can’t wait ^^


    Agree or disagree? Common Grounds 2 should be abit more educational on dating. Your decision LOL


    Is there already a release date for “House of Tail”?


    House of Tail’s release date is whenever we get the core game finished and one or two ‘story missions’ to play. In short, no release date yet, it will just kind of happen and we’ll add to it afterward.

    Not sure about Common Grounds 2 being dating educational, but a little of that wouldn’t hurt. Tried to throw in some in the first one. At the very least, I wouldn’t want it to get heavy-handed, as who is really an expert on dating?

    Would be easy to show how to mess up though XD Maybe pointers like “don’t meet strangers alone without anyone knowing where you are at”. Could start a whole new genre: horror-dating sim, haha


    Trust me when I say it’s been done, and do not look for it if you value your sanity and innocence >.>;

    Let’s just say that sometimes two genres should not be mixed o.o;;


    Len, you say horror-dating sims exist?! Could you provide a link or title? I’ve got to give this a try.


    there is a specific sequence in a Pigeon dating sim (yes, a Pigeon dating sim) where your character can die from getting too close to a certain character, this bird would end up showing you their severed head collection. It’s called Hatoful Boyfriend.

    Another which the endings include everyone dying… hell the good ending I think has your ex-girlfriend behead your current choice and then offing herself in front of you while smiling =/ it’s called School Days. I haven’t played it, but it’s really popular and has some violent creepy stuff.


    Thank you, I’ll be looking into them.


    to each their own lol

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