*Suggestions for next Fupoco dating sim

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  • #1045


    Yea it would be…


    Eh beggers can’t be choosers


    tis true


    I think something before collage around yr12! with a full yr instead of 16weeks!



    Added you to the voice actor roster ^^


    A full year?! That would be a lot of days to go through XD Have been thinking about a no time limit mode, though.


    oh sweet now thats long! hehe



    Wow, Thanks ^.^ Let me know if/when ya need any samples.

    And a no limit option could be fun.


    It’s probably going to be awhile until we’re ready to start auditions. (I’m actually quite anxious about it, don’t tell anyone!! haha)


    LOL Don’t blame ya. Stuff like that is always fun.


    Hey there, first post for me! Just finished the game after finding an add on Sofurry and I was quite impressed I must say! Well worth the money, and I’m happy to support such a labor intensive project. All in all it was very well done, and I did enjoy playing through it. It was a very good story, the characters were quite charming, and all the less common camera angles to watch the sex scenes take place in were quite exciting to see. That being said though of course there are some things I’d like to see in the next game. I know you’re well on your way into the next one, and you’ve probably implemented a good bit of these, but I still think they’re worth mentioning. These are in no particular order really, just how I remember them. And there are spoilers for those who didn’t finish the game fully of course.

    -The main character needs to bottom more often.
    I really enjoyed AJ’s scenes just to see Zell get a little bottoming action. I know there are more subs than doms out there in the real world, but still – another character or two would’ve been nice that took the top role, or maybe even a switch in a pair of scenes.

    -Have an option to switch between human style and animal style penises.
    I wouldn’t imagine that would be too hard to implement. A little more modeling sure, but I think it’d be worth it. Not a huge fan of furries with human cocks myself usually. I like the variety of the animal kingdom, haha. But, for those that prefer the human option perhaps there could be a toggle you hit somewhere in the options.

    -A little more variance in the sex scenes with multiple paths or camera angles.
    I know this one is probably tough due to all the work involved, but I think it would add a lot if you could choose where the scene goes with each character.

    -The endings were a bit disappointing.
    Actually, I wish they would’ve all been based on Chet’s idea of a final loving scene – that’s kind of what I was expecting when I saw the empty spaces in the scene selection area – that once you finally win over a character you’ll unlock a lovey-dovey scene with lots of kissing, heartfelt dialouge, and then some romantic sex. To have just a little ending scene where a little something happens and describes the situation just didn’t seem like enough for going through the whole game and choosing that character at the end. I mean, the little tips and comments were certainly nice, but still – Chet’s was my favorite ending by far.

    -A few more varied species would be nice.
    Sure, you hit the normal wolf, fox, bunny, feline… all that stuff which is cool, but, being an avian myself, I would’ve liked to see something a little more interesting pop up here an there. I saw the list for the next game of species and I’m still a little disappointed about not having a bit more variety, but I suppose that could be just me being all different and such, haha. Still, I thought it was worth mentioning.

    Sorry for the long post, but I had a lot to say. Thanks for a great game, and I look forward to the next one!


    Wait till the next game!


    Indeed. Its gonna be great.



    Thanks for the input! Really really appreciate it 🙂

    -bottom more often.
    Planning to allow the player to choose how they want to act in bed~ That or having it ‘scenario’ based, so they can play as bottoms.

    -switch between human style and animal style penises.
    This is more personal preference, but I’d rather avoid the animal style bits. We might include it in a character creator, but no promises. The reasoning behind this is that we want to show ‘sex with people who look like animals’ and not ‘sex with animals’. So we’re also hesitant on anything feral, even if they can talk and think like humans can.

    -more variance in the sex scenes with multiple paths or camera angles.
    We’re moving to a full 3d engine to take care of this~

    -endings were a bit disappointing.
    Hmm, you have some good points here. One thing we’re designing for is, we’d like to not end the game once you get a boyfriend, but continue and see what antics happen there.

    -more varied species would be nice.
    An avian character would be cool. One of the main things that slow down development is making wildly different character models, so no promises~

    Thanks again, enjoyed your feedback ^^


    Voice acting, huh? Well.. I could definitely join for that. Even though the most ‘formal’ experience I have is just DJ’ing for SheezyFM on SheezyART when it was good, and for FurFM. So not exactly voice acting there- but my voice isn’t bad and I DO have variation. :3

    I tend to entertain too, so why not? xD

    And about Ferrics post, even though its a personal preference, It /would/ be nice to chose between animal and human-like penises. =u=


    @sparky You were a FurFM DJ? Cool.

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