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  • #2168

    Otters sound good. z: )

    Honestly the main thing I’d like the see is more casual sex, I thought it was a tad odd in the first one that you could only have sex with Roger outside of ze appointed plot points, even with Max…

    I didn’t like Max’s ending. I thought it was a little patronising and a little too ‘human’ that the ‘slut and happy’ character had an ending where the Wolf character ‘tames him’ Foxes are naturally polyamorous you know (disloyal lovers, but dedicated parents – all of the parents, average Fox litter has three fathers.) I was rather more hoping for an alliance whereupon Max and Zell agree, “You know what? We’ll be each other’s stable base. Let’s fuck EVERYONE… together!” D’aww…

    Overall though, I liked the first game and I’d like to see more of it someday, over the rainbow… and I’d be happy to buy it, but I’m personally more interested in HoT right now. z: j


    All very curious stuff, the development of this game seems quite interesting.

    Firewolfe’s post made me think; One of the main issues with employee tiredness is the limited number of potential employees available and his character generation system had me thinking; What if you had a distinct difference between defined characters who may have story arcs and dialogue etcetera as well as more ‘generic’ employees who have generic pictures for their species, basic class and gender and given generated names? It would make your employee roster more of a dynamic number which you might want to adjust that number negatively to deal with losses and overburdening, where currently you wouldn’t want to sell a character, ever, because they’re one of a finite number and could never be replaced even in sunnier times.

    I did have another thought on the low-def retro animated sprites thing;, a lower effort solution which still offers some titillation; Instead of facing the prospect of animating the whole house, just allow players to click on an item in the daily log to see a simplistic 4-frame re-enactment of events. You could use that implementation to make the daily log more of an active thing, where you see each event getting jotted down as it’s happening, giving the player more involvement with events, (“Oooh, Skunky just had a hard time…” even better if you saw / clicked through each event as it happened amd perhaps have an easily accessible tickbox for just speeding through) and if not giving the player the opportunity to make reassignments mid-day, this could at least give a window to introduce boss battles and other special events (a log entry flashes, the game’s progress halts and a splash screen flies up…) The main labour would be in creating the sprite positioning methods and drawing the sprites for specific characters, whereas customers and generic employees could share sprite pools.

    Please excuse the idea dump. Something about a developing adult furry management game has me inexplicably keen and excited. z: )


    I would personally love, LOVE to see Theme Park esque 8-bit sprites working, interacting and yiffing around the HoT, but that sounds like it would be another game altogether to code and art.


    I agree with the OP on most issues. Putting in MLP stuff is risky and I’d be in favour of taking it out even if it weren’t; I’m not a fan of MLP and whilst I respect that many enjoy it, I myself find it like a spreading rot in the fandom. z: )

    I definitely like the sound of your future pans Kaive, both in terms of a greater variety of rooms and customisability of their layout and individual arcs for characters within an otherwise sandbox environment. Sounds like an already fun and catchy game is only going to become more so. Both me and my partner have been playing it, whilst spying over each other’s shoulders at how the other has been doing. ^.^

    I’m definitely chucking you the £7 your game currently works out to after my next payday. I’ll be spreading the word about too.

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