your pal Kaive

Getting Back on the HoT Track

November 9, 2018 in Games, House of Tail

Finished responding to all the emails. If I missed yours, please accept my apologizes. I am prepared to take my licks. Is that how the saying goes? I may want to retype that but there’s NO TIME GOTTA KEEP MOVING

So far as the most common question I’m seeing:

House of Tail is still in development. *NOT* canceled! Never ever. It’s been a super long time, complete agreement from me / no excuses. Life has been crazy, very understated. very. I’m making this my life.

So! I think this can go faster. It’s really a lot to juggle, getting back into it.

  • Story: The text and scenes are all there, but due to multiple revisions and editing, I think they need another pass. Most side characters need some development, but that’s fun/easy given context–it’s only a lot of work due to the volume. I’m not happy with the ending… I think I’ll have to feel it out in-game, so no more editing scene.doc, get it in the game and adjust as I go.
  • Code: The game’s mostly there but I’m regretting the choice for 720 resolution, thinking I could do 1080 given everything but the maps are drawn for it (text in fullscreen looks a bit too blurry). Redoing this will require redoing the base ‘engine’ as it’s been hard-coded to 720 for sprite placements (look at me, I’m a dummy). I’m paranoid about framerate issues, noticing weird lag here and there, could just be my computer (graphics card doesn’t seem to be working which is fine for a min-requirements testbed.) I have code for dungeons that need to be integrated into the main build, and I need to code in a BATTLE SYSTEM, 3 variations cause this is how much I trust the base game to not be tedious spread across hours and hours. I wanted to avoid putting in battles as a dumb designer challenge, but have since accepted battles are cruise control for fun in high fantasy, that and story requires it.
  • Music: I have 3 ‘ok’ tracks written, and a few more from a friend that I might acquire permission to use. Feeling good here, it’s going to be much better than Common Grounds.
  • Art: Character designs are finished, even color palettes. Have drawn a few to completion, but I still have maybe around 100(?) left to make into fully animated sprites. This sounds like a mountain but I have my tricks (putting in long hours who needs sleep). If finances allow, I will definitely be looking to commission some help for the ‘porn’ scenes (please don’t tell anyone, am not ready, let’s keep it a secret between us for now.)
  • Extras: Voice acting, extra this-and-that ideas are all on hold until I finish a solid version 1, but still in the back of my mind. (Without voice, are cut-scenes boring in this day and age??? do i add in soundfx blips instead?) Design is all there and written, it’s ‘ass in chair’ time as I’ve heard the furry writers’ circles say.

In order of importance: Art first, finish the code around it, side character design whenever fun and interesting ideas strike, story + music + soundfx worked in through many passes and play testing to check or add to code/art. Easy.

wew. what’s a good journal update schedule? this is too much. look at this wall of text, we need more pics here. next time