your pal Kaive

HoT Logo and Title Screen

January 30, 2013 in Games, House of Tail

Finally got around to designing HoT’s logo…

House of Tail title logo design

The aim was something simple, classy, and ‘screams porno game’.

I know the easy-out would have been to do something with the “Tail”, like drawing an actual tail underlining the logo, but it’s too expected, right? I think this works better, playing on expectations, being subtle and leaving the graphic details to, well… the graphics.

Screenshot of House of Tail's initial Title Menu Screen
(click to view full sized image)

Screenshot of the title and main menu, (what I’m working on this week.)

The background and character columns scroll, and buttons float into position, all making it rather lively. I hope you will appreciate the little touches, have been putting my hands all over the code~ In a completely professional way, I assure you.