your pal Kaive

HoT Update – 6-2-13

June 1, 2013 in Games, House of Tail

A quick update on some early bugs…

The versions will be the build dates – we don’t see any reason to make up some arcane numbering scheme… unless you really want “v2.111.42.999” shenanigans 😎

v 6.2.13

  • fixed – press item button twice with no items (stalled web version)
  • fixed – save/load errors (you will need to create a new save)
  • possibly fixed – portraits shaking then becoming stuck (movement code rewritten)

And thanks for the feedback and excitement! Can’t thank you enough.

There is no sound, yet. Please bear with us as we work it in.

A how-to-play section is in the works. If you have any questions before then, it would be our pleasure to answer.