your pal Kaive

HoT Work in Progress Screenshot and Thoughts

November 19, 2012 in Games, House of Tail

Hiya! How’s it going?!

The user interface is drawn, most every character is in, basic functions are in place like dragging and dropping icons and viewing stats.

prototype screenshot of House of Tail

What you’re seeing here is the main house map, where you can assign characters to rooms, have them build new ones, and be maids or the master/mistress of the house. We’ll start with 3 maps, and will add more as we go along, with an ear to what you’d like to see.

We’re very happy to have the game running as smooth as lube in a web browser format. It’s very graphical and animated and audible. We’re hoping it will make it very accessible and easy to get into. I think our best innovation is the character icon and slot system.

There are quite a few games in this genre that I’d like to show you in a review format, and they’re very amusing and fun, but they also tend to be confusing and difficult to get into, (the porn helps.)

I hope the lack of constant explicit sex and extreme kinks everywhere won’t hurt House of Tail, would rather it feel more implied and play open-ended. Meaning: you get to use your imagination about sexual details and the game will try to stay out of the way and let it happen! XD

Well… back to work!